The Crowded Room (TV Shows 2023)
Set in Manhattan during the summer of 1979. When a young man is arrested for a shocking crime—and an unlikely investigator must solve the mystery behind it.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Episode 1
When one of Pike’s officers goes missing while on a secret mission for Starfleet, Pike has to come out of self-imposed exile. He must navigate how to rescue his officer,…
Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Episode 10
Star Trek: Picard S01E10: In the season finale, a final confrontation on the synthetics’ homeworld, Coppelius, pits Picard and his team against the Romulans, as well as the synths who…
Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Episode 9
Following an unconventional and dangerous transit, Picard and the crew finally arrive at Soji’s home world, Coppelius. However, with Romulan warbirds on their tail, their arrival brings only greater danger…
Star Trek: Picard (TV Series 2020)
Set twenty years after the events of Star Trek Nemesis, we follow the now-retired Admiral Picard into the next chapter of his life.
Titans (TV Series 2018)
A team of young superheroes led by Nightwing (formerly Batman’s first Robin) form to combat evil and other perils.