Breaking Bad (TV Series 2008)
Breaking Bad is an American crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. Set and produced in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Breaking Bad is the story of Walter White,…
Lovecraft Country (2020)
The anthology horror series follows 25-year-old Atticus Freeman, who joins up with his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America…
How I Met Your Father (TV Series 2022)
In the near future, Sophie tells her son the story of how she met his father: a story that catapults us back to the year 2021 where Sophie and her…
The Flight Attendant (TV Series 2020)
Flight attendant Cassandra Bowden wakes in her hotel room hungover from the night before in Dubai with a dead body lying next to her. Afraid to call the police, she…
Walker (TV Series 2021)
Reboot of the 1993 series focusing on Walker as he returns from years undercover. A widower and father of two, he begins fighting crime with a new partner, who is…